How It Works.

LoveSick is a podcast about finding love in the time of COVID-19. 

We review each candidate carefully. Once we’ve found someone we think you’ll enjoy going on a virtual date with, our team interviews you both separately. If the interviews confirm our intuition, we’ll find a time that works for both of you to go on a first date, virtually! 

Before the date, we’ll give you some fun facts about the other person and their first name, but we don’t reveal any personally identifiable information. 

For your date, we’ll set up a video call and get you both ready to record audio. Afterwards, we’ll touch base about how it went. If we feature you on the podcast, we’ll remove any personally identifiable information during the editing process and might contact you with a few questions. 

If both of you decide you want to see each other again, we’ll buy the two of you take-out to enjoy while safely socially distancing, as our way of saying thank you. We only record the first date, but if you’re willing to give us some updates we’d love to know how things progress! 

Ready to sign up?

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